Scratching Other People's Itches

davorg on 2002-08-28T07:57:12

pdcawley posed a problem on the IRC channel yesterday. He wanted a program that would parse a POD file, search for links and replace the long ones with a link from Apparently this will make life a lot easier for him when he's writing the Perl6 summaries.

I had far better things to do with my time, but it sounded like an interesting problem.

Here's my solution:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use 5.006;
use strict;

use Pod::Parser;

package Pod::Parser::MASL;

use MakeAShorterLink;
our @ISA = qw(Pod::Parser);

sub interior_sequence {
  my $parser = shift;
  my ($seq_command, $seq_argument, $pod_seq) = @_;

  return $parser->SUPER::interior_sequence(@_) unless $seq_command eq 'L';
  return $parser->SUPER::interior_sequence(@_) unless $seq_argument =~ /^http/i;

  $_[1] = makeashorterlink($seq_argument) || $seq_argument;


  return $parser->SUPER::interior_sequence(@_);

package main;

my $p= Pod::Parser::MASL->new;
$p->parse_from_filehandle(\*STDIN)  unless @ARGV;
$p->parse_from_file($_) for @ARGV;

It uses my which has just appeared on CPAN.


pdcawley on 2002-08-28T08:10:05

You sir, are a star! Thanks a lot.