Given that Amazon have announced a web services interface to their database, here's the basis of an updated version of tchrist's amarank.
use LWP::Simple; use XML::XPath; my $am_key = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'; # your key here my $url = '$am_key&AsinSearch=%%ASIN%%&type=heavy&f=xml'; while () { chomp; my $req = $url; $req =~ s/%%ASIN%%/$_/; my $xml = get $req; warn "$_: no response\n", next unless $xml; my $xp = XML::XPath->new(xml => $xml); print $xp->findvalue('/ProductInfo/Details/ProductName'), ' - '; print join(', ', map { $_->findvalue('.') } $xp->findnodes('/ProductInfo/Details/Authors/Author')), "\n"; print 'Rank: ', $xp->findvalue('/ProductInfo/Details/SalesRank'), "\n"; } __END__ 1930110006 0596000278
Someone's put Google's UI on top of Amazon's interface:
Attribution oops
Fletch on 2002-07-18T15:43:21
Credit to Coral on IRC for finding that.