
davorg on 2002-07-12T10:10:51

I got an email from someone asking for help building a 2-d array that models the weeks and days in a month. My standard response to questions like this is "check CPAN", but when I checked, I couldn't find something that did just what I wanted. There were plenty that did over-complex things like build HTML tables of months, but nothing that just creates the underlying data structure.

So I wrote one. It's called Calendar::Simple. Here's an example of how you'd use it to write a replacement for the Unix cal utility.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Calendar::Simple;

my @months = qw(January February March April May June July August
                September October November December);

my $mon = shift || ((localtime)[4] + 1);
my $yr  = shift || ((localtime)[5] + 1900);

my @month = calendar($mon, $yr);

print "\n$months[$mon - 1] $yr\n\n";
print "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa\n";
foreach (@month) {
  print map { $_ ? sprintf "%2d ", $_ : '   ' } @$_;
  print "\n";

It's currently winging its way to CPAN, but in the meantime you can get it from

yay, more time date related modules

ask on 2002-07-12T23:05:58

Perl must win the "most time and date related extensions" competition.

Re:yay, more time date related modules

2shortplanks on 2002-07-15T12:24:12

Why isn't this Date::CalendarSimple or something. If I search "Date" I'm not going to find it.

Re:yay, more time date related modules

davorg on 2002-07-15T13:08:42

Erm... because either a) it's got nothing to do with dates, it's about weeks and months and stuff... of b) I just didn't think it thru enough :)