CPAN-RPM Mailing List

davorg on 2008-08-18T11:27:30

At the end of my "Perl in RPM-Land" talk at YAPC::Europe, I sketched out an idea about automatically generating RPMs from CPAN modules. I fully expected people so tell me that I was talking nonsense, but it seems that a number of other people had been thinking along similar lines.

In order to carry on the discussion, I've set up a mailing list. Please subscribe if you're interested in this subject.

I've also submitted a talk to the London Perl Workshop to report on the project's progress. This is known as Conference Driven Development - I now need to ensure that we've made some kind of progress to prevent this presentation from being very embarrassing.


sigzero on 2008-08-18T13:28:45

Is there going to be a pick list or something for people to choose modules to convert? Or is all that discussion happening on the list?


davorg on 2008-08-18T15:28:08

The plan is that there will be no need to choose as it will all Just Happen Automatically. Of course, there will be Interesting Problems to solve on the way :-)

But, yes, it's all still at the discussion stage. Feel free to join in if you have any interest in the subject.