YAPC::Europe Copenhagen 2008

davorg on 2008-08-15T17:19:35

I've just got back to my hotel room following the conclusion of this year's YAPC::Europe conference. As always, the conference was just the right mix of usefulness and fun. The organisers can be very proud of themselves.

I gave three talks at the conference. They were all on the last day, and I have put all of the slides on Slideshare. The three talks were:

I seem to have come away having committed myself to three projects. The first is completely my own fault - the Proud To Use Perl talk has an associated web site which I am planning to keep up to date. The second is partly my fault. My RPM talk ended with a rough outline of a madcap scheme to automatically turn all of CPAN into RPMs. Jos Bauman was in the talk and this idea seems to have piqued his interest. So I suspect I'll be heavily involved with that. The third project wasn't my idea at all (I'm just helping out because it's an area that I'm interested in). I'll leave the announcement of more details of that to the other people involved.

Now, I think I'll take a quick turn around the Tivoli Gardens.

Nice Presentations - Thanks for Sharing

Shlomi Fish on 2008-08-15T20:08:23

Hi! Nice presentations! Thanks for sharing. We've been enumerating the wrappers for CPAN around distribution native package formats on the perl.net.au wiki.