I'm Over There

davorg on 2006-05-03T09:35:56

I've been writing most of my technical blog entries over at the O'Reilly Onlamp blog for a while and I forgot to mention that here.

You might be interested in my latest entry which is about MVC frameworks in Perl and is partly a reaction to the changes in the Catalyst project.

"Framework::" Namespace

lilstevey on 2006-05-03T10:41:17

I'm sure i'm not the first one to say this but it seems a bit frivilous to keep starting projects with top level name spaces, regardless of how great said project is intending to be.

If the plethora of template projects developed have taught me anything, I'm expecting many many more such frameworks before someone comes out with one that is simple effective, and "The Right Way to Do It".

Re:"Framework::" Namespace

Alias on 2006-05-03T11:35:16

You want me to write Template::Tiny or something?

I'll do it live on stage as a lightning talk if you want...

Talks and beatings

lilstevey on 2006-05-03T15:55:03

Obviously I'd like to encourage as many people as possible to submit talks, but I'm a little concerned I may get a proverbial beating if I encourage another template module to come into being... ;)