davorg on 2005-10-17T08:28:02

In a couple of hours time I'm off to Amsterdam for EuroOSCON. I haven't been to an OSCON since San Diego in (I think) 2002 and I haven't been to Amsterdam since YAPC::Europe in 2001. So all in all I'm looking forward to it.

As neither of my tutorial proposals were accepted, I was planning to go to a conference without speaking (for the first time for about five years) but then I saw the Lightning Talks CFP and I decided that people might be interested in hearing the results of the 2005 Perl Mongers Census, so I'll be talking about that in the Lightning Talks session tomorrow.

It's likely that most of the blog entries I post about the conference will be over on my other blog.

If you see me in Amsterdam over the next few days then please say hello.