Like acme , I've been playing with Amazon Web Services. I decided that I've not been reading enough books, so I've set myself a target of reading fifty books this year. I've got a database table where I store the ISBNs of books I'm reading and I use Amazon Web Services to grab more details of the books from Amazon. Net::Amazon and Class::DBI make this trivial.
#!/usr/bin/perl use Net::Amazon; use Cache::File; use Books; @ARGV || die "No ISBN given\n"; my %az_opt = ( token => "MY AMAZON WEB SERVICE ID", locale => 'uk', affiliate_id => "davblog-21", cache => Cache::File->new( cache_root => '/tmp/amzn_cache', cache_umask => 000, default_expires => '30 day', ), ); my $amz = Net::Amazon->new(%az_opt); foreach (@ARGV) { my $isbn = sprintf "%010s", $_; my $resp = $amz->search( asin => $isbn ); die "Can't find $isbn" unless $resp->is_success; my ($prop) = $resp->properties; print $prop->title, "\n"; print ' - ', join (', ', $prop->authors), "\n"; print $prop->url, "\n"; print $prop->ImageUrlSmall, "\n"; print "\n"; my $book = Books::Book->create( { isbn => $isbn, title => $prop->title, author => join (', ', $prop->authors), url => $prop->url, cover_url => $prop->ImageUrlSmall, md_cover_url => $prop->ImageUrlMedium, lg_cover_url => $prop->ImageUrlLarge } ); }
Some of this code comes from a similar application that Tony Bowden has written. is a Class::DBI module which includes classes for the various tables in my database.
Having got this data into the database along with details of the dates I started and finished reading each book, it becomes simple to create a page that shows what I'm reading. There are also RSS feeds which I use to power the "Reading List" section on the front page of my blog.
All in all, a very satisfying couple of hours work.