According to brian, the latest version of CPANTS says that I have the highest average kwalitee of any author on the CPAN. Not sure how that happened. I was just following the instructions :)
Further investigation shows that brian only counts people with more than five distributions. If you include everyone then I drop a bit.
sqlite> select name,cpanid,average_kwalitee,distcount from authors order by average_kwalitee desc limit 10; Andrew Molloy|AMOLLOY|13|1 Thomas Schnuecker|SCHNUECK|13|1 David F. Skoll|DSKOLL|13|1 Jason Kohles|JASONK|12.5|2 Michel Rodriguez|MIROD|12.3333333333333|3 Adrian Howard|ADIE|12.3333333333333|3 Dave Cross|DAVECROSS|12.1428571428571|14 Mark Stosberg|MARKSTOS|12.1111111111111|9 Rich Gibson|RGIBSON|12|2 Robert Price|RPRICE|12|1 sqlite>