Stupid Things To Put In http.conf

davorg on 2004-03-30T15:55:31

(Number 1 in an occasional series)

It's counter-intuitive if a 500 error makes your web server direct to a non-existant domain

ErrorDocument 500

That had me puzzled for a while. The main page of the site is index.cgi and it kept trying to redirect me to

I wasted time checking for mod_rewrite rules before simply searching http.conf for a string containing the bogus server address.

did u uncomment it?

goon on 2004-03-31T23:19:09

>ErrorDocument 500 ttp://

pretty common one to do but isn't this commented out by default? meaning someone had to uncomment it?

Re:did u uncomment it?

vsergu on 2004-04-02T18:37:04

In my experience, the commented-out line is

#ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo.

Returning a redirection to another server when an error occurs is bizarre. Have you really seen it in a default configuration, even commented out?

Re:did u uncomment it?

illovich on 2004-09-16T21:24:57

It seems to be a part of the default install of OS X Server 10.3, which is what caused me to search for the string "" and end up at this forum in the first place.