TT Article

davorg on 2004-03-17T14:50:34

Those of you in the UK might like to look out for the latest issue of Linux Format. It contains the first of three articles I've written as an introduction to the Template Toolkit. It's issue 52, cover-dated April 2004.

And don't bother looking for it on their web site. They have a very strange policy towards putting articles online. There are some PDFs here but they're all at least 18 months old.

Linux Format In The US

vek on 2004-03-17T16:43:27

And for those of us across the pond, Barnes & Noble sell Linux Format. The catch? You have to pay about $14 for it :-(


davorg on 2004-03-17T17:22:16

That's not actually a major increase. If you go for the DVD edition, it costs £6.50 over here.