davorg on 2004-02-23T13:18:00

I had a great time in Brussels this weekend where I was speaking at FOSDEM. I gave a talk on Perl in their "scripting languages" track. I wasn't really sure what sort of audience I would get, so I gave a pretty high level "state of Perl" talk. You probably already know it all, but the slides are online if you want to take a look.

To be honest, I was completely blown away by the sheer size of FOSDEM. There were around 2000 people there and it's all organised by volunteers and attendence costs nothing.

nice work

inkdroid on 2004-02-23T15:09:25

While I was already familiar with the content of your talk, it was really nice to see all of it presented as a timeline. It really makes me proud to "use Perl", and excited about the work that is being done on perl6. The Perl community has so many layers and facets, so it helps to have summary pieces like this from time to time. Thanks davorg.