Like it's 1999

davorg on 2004-01-20T16:35:10

Today I had a reminder of what the jobs market was like in the last millennium.

It started with a friend pointing out that Jobserve had a job listed that asked for TT as a required skill. Looking closer I worked out that the same job was being advertised by three different agencies, so I emailed each of them a copy of my CV and mentioned that I might know a little bit about TT.

Recently I'm used to emails to agents being ignored. You have to phone them a dozen times before you can get any feedback from them, but today it was different. They all replied to my email showing interest and then called me back. They were all keen to put my name forward, but less keen to tell me who the client is.

It was at about this point that in a discussion on someone pointed out that the client was probably Fotango. I checked with one of the agents and she told me that this was correct. At that point it all became a bit pointless as Fotango had my CV for this role a month ago. So I had to tell all the agents that they had been wasting their time.

Was fun whilst it lasted tho'.