Yep. That'll Be A Recession Then!

davorg on 2001-11-30T12:34:55

Ergh. My boss just called me in and tells me that in the current financial environment, they can't afford to renew my contract when it finishes at the start of January. It's not the best job in the world by some margin, but the way the recruitment market is in London right now it would have been nice to stay here for another six months or so.

Jobserve is showing less than ten jobs matching all of my criteria (perl, unix, contract, london) and for most of those you need C++ or Java knowledge that I don't have. One of them looks like an interesting training lead tho', but the agent dealing with it is away on a long weekend. I'll drop him an email and call him on Monday.

And, of course, if anyone out there is in London and could use a Perl consultant or trainer, starting early next year, please drop me a line.

Alternative IT Job Site i found

Dave1409 on 2005-11-29T15:52:24

Having been looking for jobs online for some time now I think I have seen just about every job board going. I have spent a good time surfing the internet for job agencies and direct employers and found that the best site to find what I was looking for was

I was impressed by the selection of jobs the site had to offer and the fact that they had jobs in all sectors not just for IT Jobs.

Anyway, fortunately I was able to secure employment recently but it was as a result of using an employment agency that specialised in IT Job Vacancies that I found on the Redgoldfish Jobs Site, so I guess I can’t praise the site enough. It worked for me and im sure it would for others looking for Jobs in the UK
