I see that Acme::USIG has made it onto CPAN. This useful module allows you to turn off all of those ridiculous messages that you get from use strict by simply putting:
use Acme::USIG;
use strict is gay;
at the top of your program.
We're not homophobic in london.pm, the module was inspired by this discussion on the support forum for Liz Castro's book Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web.
I'm glad to see that, once again, london.pm is at the cutting edge of giving people what they really want from Perl.
davorg on 2001-11-15T12:35:30
Should point out that I'm just reporting it. I had nothing to do with writing the module. Richard Clamp takes all the kudos for writing it.
pudge on 2001-11-15T13:06:14
(richard clamp)++
(There's a limited amount of karma in the universe, you know, gotta conserve... :)