T-Shirts and Things

davorg on 2001-11-09T09:28:21

Another successful london.pm meeting last night. The Three Cups seems to be a popular venue and having our own private room is a great idea.

The big news last night was that the london.pm t-shirts are ready. There are five to choose from, each in a strictly limited run of 50. They all have a large "Programming Republic of London" logo on the back and one of a series of small "fictional" PM group logos on the front. I'm currently wearing my Sunnydale.pm shirt, but we also have Rivendell.pm, Tatooine.pm, ZZ9PluralZAlpha.pm[1] and Anhk-Morpork.pm (the last is for those strange people who can't see that Terry Pratchett is an unfunny, fifth-rate Douglas Adams wannabe).

As I said, they are limited edition. We'll be selling them to london.pm members first and if there are any left over, we'll let other people buy them. The profits will go to funding our continued sponsorship of a camel at London Zoo.

I heard this morning that NMS has been approved as a SourceForge project. I'll upload the relevant pages over the weekend and make an announcement on use Perl early next week.

[1] Weird to think that when this was planned, Douglas Adams was still alive :(


2shortplanks on 2001-11-09T10:25:00

..tshirts are blue. And I like blue.

Davorg forgot to mention that all the shirts are different colours too.

And who says Sunnydale.pm is fictional.

T-Shirt Colours

davorg on 2001-11-09T10:53:56

Here's the complete list:

  • Sunnydale is red (blood red)
  • ZZ9PluralZAlpha is black
  • Rivendell is green
  • Tatooine is brown
  • Anhk-Morpork is blue

Re:T-Shirt Colours

hfb on 2001-11-09T14:52:26

Save one of the Ankh-Morpork shirts for his Self-appointed OOK-ness :) Pratchett's latest book, The Last Hero is absolutely brilliant.