It's official

darobin on 2002-02-27T18:03:26

As of today, I am officially looking for a job. First order of business tomorrow is to finish as much as possible of the current work so that we can collect the last bits of money still owed to us, to translate my résumé into english (just in case) and to post it to several places.

So what of all the dreams and hopes? Well, had we managed to maintain the financial axis which we wanted they'd be a lot easier but the current situation doesn't mean that they're dead. Very far from that. As a matter of fact, I'm already commissioned to write two articles (revolving around philosophy's take on "virtuality" through time and how that might relate to what people call virtual nowadays) for a magazine. If you want articles I'm open for suggestions :) And the other plans are also moving ahead.

What of Knowscape? It's not dead. We are looking into options to maintain the non-internet parts alive so as to keep the office (which is beautiful and very cheap -- when you have the money). We are also maintaining the arty stuff and all that. If possible, we will try to come back to it, though probably not with the same type of activity.

All in all, if I find a job soon enough things won't be too bad. We have quite some debt to pay, but the future isn't looking too dark.