
darobin on 2002-02-15T16:08:11

If you like antique arcade games, Perl, and SVG, you most certainly want to check out Perlyroids.


djberg96 on 2002-02-15T18:45:58

Crashes as soon as I hit "P" on my Win2k system.


darobin on 2002-02-15T18:52:24

Well, I didn't make that game, and that behaviour certainly is strange.

Which browser + plugin version ?


djberg96 on 2002-02-15T20:33:40

IE 6. Not sure about the plugin version (and which plugin - flash?)

Gives me a runtime error.


darobin on 2002-02-15T20:44:53

IE6 ought to be ok. The plugin version can normally be gotten by hitting right-click on the plugin space and choosing "About" or something like that.

And, no, definitely not the Flash plugin. The SVG plugin (most probably the Adobe SVG viewer in your case). Adobe ships their plugin with all of their software, so it's possible you have a version with, say, Acrobat 5. But they started a little too early and some people got version 2 instead of version 3. You can grab it from It's not your mom&pop's plugin, it's The Next Big Thing ;-)


djberg96 on 2002-02-15T21:06:10

Heh - that worked. Thanks.

Minor correction to anyone following this thread. The correct link is: