gnat recently mentionned the AWAD (A Word A Day) list, which is indeed very good. As a crazy word lover, I'm subscribed to a dozen such lists. One that's rather good (even though it doesn't have the personalised side of AWAD which makes it the best such list is the one provided by
Today's word (and the reason why I'm writing this entry) is neoteric: adj., of recent origin. Strangely enough, even though I usually pay lots of attention to greek and latin roots in order to be able to coin my own new words, I had never noticed the -teric suffix (as in eso/exo/endo -teric, the -teric part being the comparative form of the word it applies to, ie where neo(s) means new, young, recent, neoteric means newer, younger, more recent. This does not however imply that it is to be used in comparison with anything else :). Coolness, I'll have to come up with some -teric neoteric neologisms now :-)