XML::SAX::Expat has arrived !

darobin on 2001-11-18T23:11:00

I'm proud to announce the release of XML::SAX::Expat, a full-blown SAX2 interface over Expat.

After a few months spent editing the SAX2 spec, helping Kip Hampton with XML::SAX::Base (the cornerstone of the entire SAX2 building), brainstorming on XML::SAX (the "DBI of XML" to quote Matt Sergeant) and generally having a good time on #axkit, XML::SAX::Expat is now at last a reality ! You can throw away those XML::Parser scripts, or those dirty hacks to get namespace support out of XML::Parser::PerlSAX, it's now all taken care of for you :-)

It's not complete yet, but will be soon. What's missing is mostly some of the least often used parts of XML. That, however, will be taken care of real soon. For 99% of your XML needs, you can now use it.

Once the missing parts have been filled in and we have confirmed stability, I'll port it to use expat directly in XS so that it'll be even faster.

Now, most of what's left is to convert the current SAX2 spec to POD so that we can ship it with XML::SAX::Base. I'll probably convert the present HTML to Simple DocBook and come up with some XSLT to convert that to POD, it'll be less of a hassle that way.

I hope you enjoy this little piece of software ! SAX2 simply rocks !!!