WMDs Found!

darobin on 2003-05-28T09:59:49


WMD in the Capital Region

ziggy on 2003-05-28T13:03:24

Bioweapons near Washington DC? Bah, that's nothing.

There are some residences in Washington DC proper (near American University I believe) that are built on top of the Army's WWI chemical warfare program. The soil is still somewhat toxic, yet people have been raising their children there for decades. I'm sure weaponizing that soil is against the Geneva Convention or something.

Maryland's speciality is in diseases. Not only is USAMRIID in Ft. Detrick, but the USDA Agricultural Research labs are in College Park. (Good to know next time you need to, um, borrow a specimin of potato blight.)

And then there's Reston, Virginia. That's Reston as in Ebola Reston. Yep, a strain of a strain of the Ebola virus found on US soil.

Funny how these things spontaneously appear around DC...