Not only perl hackers but also the rest of hackers seem to make too much fun of PHP. That was so true that in YAPC::Asia even Matz and Larry was making fun of that (well, Larry made fun of every computer languages including perl but PHP part was the most horrendous).
I felt sorry for PHP folks so I came up with this. Ingy's Module::Compile made it so spiffy.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Inline::PHP; no Inline::PHP; print "Hello, rest of the world!\n";
Hello, PHP! Hello, rest of the world!And here is the module.
package Inline::PHP; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.01'; use Module::Compile -base; sub pmc_compile { my ($class, $html) = @_; $html =~ s/no\s+$class\s*.*;\n//o; open my $php, "|-" or exec 'php' or die $!; print {$php} $html; close $html; return q(); } 1; __END__
<?php echo "Enjoy!" ?>
Dan the Lambdaorz