ANNOUNCE: DBIx::DataModel 1.04

dami on 2008-09-30T00:06:56

DBIx::DataModel v1.04 has been released to CPAN. This is a major revision from previous v0.35, with several architectural changes and added functionalities.

DBIx::DataModel is an Object-Relational mapping layer (ORM). Some of its strong points are :

- UML-style declaration of relationships (instead of 'has_many', 'belongs_to', etc.)

- efficiency through fine control of collaboration with the DBI layer (prepare/execute, fetch into reusable memory location, etc.)

- improved API for SQL::Abstract (named parameters, simplified 'orderBy')

- clear conceptual distinction between - data sources (tables and views), - database statements (stateful objects representing stepwise building of an SQL query and stepwise retrieval of results), - data rows (lightweight hashrefs containing nothing but column names and values)

- joins with simple syntax and possible override of default INNER JOIN/LEFT JOIN properties; instances of joins multiply inherit from their member tables

- named placeholders at the ORM level

- nested, cross-database transactions

The synopsis is in ; the design principles and general architecture are explained in