Plat-forms: it's over

dami on 2007-01-27T10:50:20

Nice to be home, after a good night of sleep ... but my head is still partly in Nuremberg, thinking of what went well (quite a lot of things), and what could have been better (a couple of lessons learned). I'll post about those thoughts a bit later ... for the moment, I am trying to focus on the next thing to do, namely refreshing the voice and remembering all my texts for singing Rossini, Schubert and Spohr tonight. So I'm not yet over with stress !

Platforms was a very nice experience, and the given task was quite interesting. For a while we thought we could do it all (over-ambitious as usual!) ... but then a couple of unexpected problems rose and we lost too much time to finish properly : how frustrating !

Thanks again to the organisers for the excellent preparation.