Third Italian Perl Workshop

dakkar on 2006-02-26T18:19:31

The Third IPW is confirmed and being worked on. You'll see updates in my journal, in newsgroups (at least it.comp.lang.perl), and on the IRC channel on slashnet.

This workshop aims to be less "conference" and more "let's exchange ideas": in addition to the classic talks, we are asking participants to propose discussion themes: the organizers will select some and choose some experts on the topic; the participants will then be able to exchange experiences, points of view, and suggestions.

Another important point: participation is free of charge. You could just barge in at any time (you'd probably be asked to avoid interrupting talks or discussion, though); at any rate, we would much better like for any participant to register in advance, so as to have at least an idea of the numbers we'll be dealing with.

More details can be found at the web site, kindly hosted by the YAPC Europe Foundation. Registrations are already open!