Putting CPAN modules on github

dagolden on 2008-12-09T14:37:45

I saw in Ovid's post about App::Prove::History that he's hosting it on Github.

I've recently started mirroring my git repositories to Github as well. It has some nice eye candy and tracking tools.

One thing that made it easy to migrate was brian d foy's github-creator package, which is a command-line tool to create a new repository on Github. You just run it from a distribution directory and it figures out a name and so on.

It's not a module (yet), so installing with CPAN requires an explicit distribution name:

cpan> install BDFOY/github_creator-0.13.tar.gz

If you're thinking of putting your CPAN modules on github, definitely try it out.

-- dagolden


Yanick on 2008-12-09T17:15:40

Pretty nifty little tool.

Incidentally, I saw in the doc that it doesn't support Build.PL yet, so I cloned it from Github and hacked the support in. Me 3 Github for that kind of stuff. :-)


dagolden on 2008-12-09T17:24:18

push that back to brian and I'm sure he'll included it


Yanick on 2008-12-09T17:36:35

Yup. I already pushed the magic 'request pull' button. :-)