As often happens, I can't remember the exact original need that started the latest round of yak shaving. I think I was working on a one-liner to prototype a test program for some small program I was writing.
In any case, I was annoyed that my XDG ToolSet module I use for one-liners didn't give me Perl 5.10 features, but adding them required a new ToolSet release.
So now "perl -MXDG -e ... " gives me strict, warnings, some of Carp, DDS, Path::Class, File::Spec, Scalar::Util and either all of the Perl 5.10 features or else at least Perl6::Say.
If anyone else finds this useful, here's the code, or clone it from git and adapt as you see fit.
package XDG; our $VERSION = '0.05'; use base 'ToolSet'; ToolSet->use_pragma( 'strict' ); ToolSet->use_pragma( 'warnings' ); ToolSet->export( 'Carp' => 'carp croak confess', 'Data::Dump::Streamer' => 'Dump', 'File::Spec' => undef, 'Path::Class' => 'file dir', 'Scalar::Util' => 'refaddr reftype blessed', ); if ( $] >= 5.010 ) { ToolSet->use_pragma( 'feature', ':5.10' ); } else { ToolSet->export( 'Perl6::Say' => 'say' ); } 1;