Calling CPAN Testers: time for an upgrade

dagolden on 2008-09-07T02:30:08

Dear CPAN Testers,

As per several long discussion threads on the perl-qa and cpan-testers-discuss mailing lists, and per the plan I posted the other day, today I took steps to upgrade CPAN Testers tools to be less annoying to the CPAN author community:<\p>

  • Released Test::Reporter 1.50 -- authors will no longer be copied on reports (the send() method ignores any arguments) -- this is a key step to move us to a centrally administered "opt-in" notification approach

  • Released CPAN::Reporter 1.17 -- failures during PL/make stages will be graded UNKNOWN; removed "cc_author" option and related code; added checks to discard failures due to "Build -j3" and "Makefile out of date" errors.

  • Created a CPANPLUS repository branch -- PL/make failures will be graded UNKNOWN; "dontcc" option has been removed; output buffer will be included with NA reports. Jos Boumans committed to review and incorporate the CPANPLUS changes in the next release.

All testers should upgrade at least Test::Reporter. Users of CPAN::Reporter should upgrade to 1.17.<\p>

Please test these out manually before turning them loose with automated smoke testers.<\p>

If anyone would like to explore or test the CPANPLUS branch, it can be found here:<\p><\p>

As always, let me know what bugs you find and I'll try to address them as soon as I can.<\p>

I know Barbie is hard at work on a notification program based on the CPAN Testers database so author notification should resume soon.

-- dagolden


BinGOs on 2008-09-07T10:36:06

The long running smokers (Darwin and NetBSD) have been updated

The others are scheduled for when they come round in the rotation

Thanks for this, Dave.