As the synopsis says: Compare if the difference between two numbers is within a specified amount. Arriving soon at a CPAN near you.
Ron Grunwald sent an email asking if I'd add support for arrays to Test::Number::Delta. I decided to go one better and make it recursive to handle matrices as well.
use Test::Number::Delta tests => 1; my @a = ( [ 3.14, 6.28 ], [ 1.41, 2.84 ] ); my @b = ( [ 3.14, 6.28 ], [ 1.42, 2.84 ] ); delta_ok( \@a, \@b, 'compare @a and @b' ); __RESULT__ not ok 1 - compare @a and @b # At [1][0]: 1.4100000 and 1.4200000 are not equal to within 0.000001
His email was also a good reminder that it had been stable for a while and I'd been meaning to bump it to 1.00 and call it "released".