Oh, It'll be Ready in an Hour

cwest on 2003-01-15T14:01:36

Bull. I had been having trouble with gas pressure in my house for a couple weeks, but I figured it might be regular fluctuations. When I couldn't light my hot water heater at all, I called the gas company. I had a leak, a bad one, outside my house in the ground. So now I could get a temporary line or get my gas shut off. With an 11 month old baby I obviously opted for the temporary line.

While trying to fix my problem they found a clog in their pipes. Apparently, my 1.5 inch gas pipe was clogged up to the diameter of a match due to 100 years of use and no cleaning. After digging up my street they fixed this and installed my temporary line. We now have all the gas we're supposed to get instead of a major clog allowing almost no gas, and what did come in flowing into the ground via my leak.

Our once pathetic gas fireplace now blazes enough to produce usable light and heat. Amazing, what I was told would take an hour only took six! And now I have to find a special certified plumber to install permanent gas lines that won't leak. Man your battle stations.

So Help Me God - "Just Between You And Me (Single)" - CD Talk

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