Waiting Schmating

cwest on 2003-01-08T20:30:10

I got tired of waiting for a response and decided to start calling OpenSRS. I'm getting a very odd "Unrecognized Peer" error all of the sudden. Their support archives don't talk much about it, except to say that you probably aren't accessing the test system if you get that error. But that really doen't seem to be the problem here, I am accessing the domain and I can, I proved it to myself and the support guy on the phone several times. I've been asked to email them again. So I emailed them and am now continuing to debug.

Their client libraries, OpenSRS::XML_Client, are pretty good. They've been easy to work with, until now. I understand why it doesn't seem to be working now, what I don't understand is how it got broken. I'm hoping the support guys can tell me soon. I've emailed them all the information that I can, I explained in email and on the phone how their libraries work. I hate waiting so I'll keep writing in here.

I wonder if they can hear my begging? I'm laying on the floor pleading with them to find out what the heck is the matter. I've tried and given as much as I can. I hate waiting.

River God - "Wide Eyed" - Nichole Nordeman

Posted from caseywest.com, comment here.