Code to the Beat

cwest on 2002-12-16T18:32:10

I used to be in the habit of writing lots and lots of code in my free time. Marriage and lack of desire removed this from my life. I recently found the desire to write things just to write them. This has me branching out in odd areas that I don't get to mess with during work, such as XML related technologies and writing MVC applications (I actually do do this at work, too). I've found that the more code I write the better I enjoy coding. Go figure. Perhaps I'll release some of my stuff sometime soon.

I also retired my ear buds and got a new set of headphones. Nice big ones that are comfy around my ears. This has made me really happy, after a couple hours the ear buds really start to hurt.

What Set U Claim'N - "Muzik Ta Ride 2" - Str8 Young G'z

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