
cwest on 2002-07-31T18:40:27

I hate being inhibited by my insecurities. However, I know what they are and I'm quickly able to realise when they get in my way.

For instance, it's very easy for me to turn just about any interaction with someone into them being very upset with me.

Recently I've noticed how electronic communication amplifies insecure behaviour. Especially the imposter syndrom, even an inferiority complex. I seem to bring these two out in people when I talk to them electronically. Not on purpose, but it seems the only way to avoid it is to not speak up.

I'm confused as to how to deal with this in a useful manner. So far I've come to the conclusion that I can't help the situation. Either that or it's my "I see anger" button working overtime.


mako132 on 2002-07-31T20:53:48

I'm not sure I understand. What's the "imposter syndrome"?