
cwest on 2002-07-01T13:59:49

After 11.5 hours of driving with just one stop for food and bathroom, I made it home around 11:35 on Saturday. I went directly to bed, hardly saying hello to wife and kind of glancing at sleeping baby.

Last night we settled down and relaxed while watching the teen movie "Bring it on!". While at YAPC I had recieved a present from Damian, a Violet Crumble. This is a candy bar made by Nestle that doesn't exist in America. It had melted in my car so I put it in the freezer for a short while. It survived all that so my wife and I shared it and it's one of the best candy bars I've ever had.

Now it's back to work. Catching up on work I didn't do at YAPC and figuring out how to make the most of my time once again.

Only now, I really have to get on the ball and organize my life because of changes happening soon.