Why read slashdot when you can get the news early, and with less idiots at newsforge?
chaoticset on 2002-05-14T00:31:11
Slashdot's got that certain something. Were I in advertising, I would say it's got a deep connection to the pulse of the geek street cred, or some such hogwash.
Me, personally, I just didn't know about newsforge. I'll have to take a look.
I think I prefer the variety. Yes, it is rather geek-centric; however, it doesn't seem to be exclusively linux/hardware/industry heavy.
Of course, that's just my opinion.
of course
pudge on 2002-05-16T22:45:21
NewsForge is primarily an offshoot of Slashdot anyway. They use the Slash code (and coders) and roblimo edits on both sites.