Baby: Sense of Humor INCLUDED

cwest on 2002-01-31T18:23:08

Yesteray, the baby wasn't moving as much as usual and it was enough to put Chastity's nerves on alert. Yeah, mine too. We went to bed figuring it was just paranoia but we finally turned on the light and called the doctor who told us what Chastity wanted to hear: got to the hospital and have a non-stress test.

So driving to the hospital in the middle of the night. We got there and they strap her into this machine six ways to Sunday. I felt so bad for her, but she's used to it, happens twice a week at her doctors appointments. Give her some ginger ale and *bang* the baby is as active as a young rhino in the water... or something like that.

Funny joke little girl. All that sleep wasted for nothing. On the other hand, better safe than sorry.