modprobe, you idiot... but dhcpd

cwest on 2002-01-30T02:35:16

After sitting around, blaming my dumb distro, I rant on #perl and amagosa asks me if I have the eth module in the kernel.


With a quick line in /etc/modules.conf and a modprobe command, I'm back in the game.

Now, dhcpd complains about the lack of a 'ddns-update-sytle' command in /etc/dhcpd.conf. I have one in there but it doesn't seem to like it. Time to consult google or something. This is the last step and I should have a gateway. Well.. IP Masquerading would probably help.

In any case, I'll save that for tomorrow. I have to paint my wifes toe nails. Being at the end of her pregnancy it's not fun for her, and she refuses to go into labor without painted nails. I'm a good husband, it was even my idea. ;-)

dhcpd ddns

koschei on 2002-01-30T02:42:12

I had that problem. Solved by regressing two RC versions (currently using: dhcp-3.0.1rc4-1cra).