US Robotics Rocks

cwest on 2002-01-29T13:35:30

I need to remember to buy about 20 of these old 56k modems. I only have dial-up access capability (outside satellite, which Aaronsen is supposed to grant me any day now). I wanted to dial-in from a Linux firewall that runs dhcp and does gateway/masquerading type stuff. Well, loaded RedHat 7.2 from an ISO I had laying around and *bam*, after fooling around with all the RH utilities that didn't work I eventually happened upon wvdial.conf and wvdial.

I was able to tell it to dial in "Stupid mode" and I got right on. Now I just have to finish the "Linux as an Internet Gateway for a Home Network" HOWTO.

One problem is that I must have my firewall rules set too high, I couldn't ssh out of the box, or get to web sites. It was wierd but I was able to shut down the firewall and it worked just fine. Oops, I'll have to figure that one out later. :-)