Arecibo, more than any other joe could have done

cwest on 2002-01-16T05:03:44

I went to Arecibo with the Geeks today. Very cool place. After we got the standard tour, we managed to get a little more. The story I've been told is that there was a certain Language Creator that the Programmers there had interest in.

I got to see the data crunching center there and then, this is the cool part, we were able to go down to the base of the dish. I touched the dish.

I am one of very few humans who will ever do that. More importantly, I'm one of very few humans who care, who will ever do that.

Re: Arecibo, more than any other joe could have...

vek on 2002-01-16T18:44:30

I'm one of the very few humans who care, who will ever do that

As a seti@homer myself, I think that's pretty damn cool actually.

little green men...

jhi on 2002-01-16T19:42:38

I know someone in there is using Perl since I have got user feedback (ie, bug reports) for String::Scanf from a guy working at Arecibo.