First talk down.

cwest on 2002-01-14T17:56:23

I gave my first Perl talk over lunch at Perl Whirl today. I was kinda nervous, but not too nervous.

It went smoothly but I rambled a bit... and I found myself saying "In most cases" and "For the most part" and "by default" which I think confused the audience in places.

I was tolk by a group of speakers once that you have to leave out bits, and even lie sometimes, to get the audience to understand certain things in a talk.

Most of the way through, the Captain decided to inerrupt me. What was he thinking? Iike an announcement of Ladies Ping Pong Championship is more important that my talk?! It was good comic relief though.

I also did an impression of Damian's accent because, well, he can't be the only one to impersonate during talks. ;-)