Welcome Back

cwest on 2004-01-05T13:46:33

I just spent 16 consecutive days off my laptop, away from all work. The total extent of my Internet activities was restarting a memory sucking IRC robot and deleting spam every other day. My laptop literally sat in its bag on the floor.

I feel so refreshed. This is the first vacation I've ever taken where I actually vacated the work place and relaxed.

I came up with a resolution for 2004.


Along that theme, I've discovered something about myself. I'm a creature of habit. That isn't always a Good Thing. I habitually drink too much soda, spend too much time checking email, and procrastinate. These can change, however. I understand it takes 21 days to make or break a habit and I'm using that to my advantage.

I'm now waking up at 6am, jogging in the morning, and taking my life back a little from some of the useless things that used to consume it.

You've all heard me talk about coffee and now I can actually live it. For Christmas I received an awesome espresso machine from Chastity. Now it's time to work on espressogeek.com.

Posted from caseywest.com, comment here.