Tuesday was the "Others" day here at ApacheCon. The talks were quite varied, as opposed to Monday. Among "other" things, Brian Aker convinced me that MySQL clustering and replication isn't that hard, and works.
In the afternoon I, like Chris (http://use.perl.org/user/shiflett/journal) attempted to see a Perl vs. PHP vs. Java show down featuring Nat and Rasmus, and some Java dude. We were shot down, and came to learn that the talk was part of a different conference entirely. We went to the registration desk and asked what the price of 30 minutes of the conference was, but he didn't have a sense of humor about that. I'm pretty sure it would have come to more than 10 dollars, out of my price range.
My moment of Zen came on the bus ride back. I learned about embedded technologies by implanting a TV in my head. Or trying to. One of three TV's protruding from the ceiling of the bus broke me open. That was not pleasant.
The rest of my evening was spent answering email and passively hacking code.
Posted from caseywest.com, comment here.