1-2-3 Mucis!

cwest on 2003-10-29T14:53:03

My little girl has a few new tricks. She's counting on her own. In the car she counts "one, two, three" while holding up the appropriate amount of fingers for each number. She started doing this on her own, without the need for prompting at each number. She's 21 months, I can't believe she can do this.

Her other trick is repeating the last phrase of everything she hears. As a young person, she's characteristically non-discriminatory. If we use casual expletives, so does she. But she doesn't always get it right. While she can say (and recently comprehend) the likes of "important" and "mommy's cooking breakfast," she has trouble with words like "music" and "book." She gets book half the time, but the other half they're known as "goops." As for music, I think you can guess from the subject.

She also has a fascination with lights. I think that's normal, but to most children want to touch, kiss, hug, and say good night to lights?

Posted from caseywest.com, comment here.