Starbucks Atmosphere

cwest on 2003-10-13T21:48:24

I think it's growing on me. In my never ending quest to research what makes a successful coffee shop I've spent a few hours there on Friday night and again on Saturday morning. The comfy couches are nice, and this place got rid of those uncomfy tall tables in lue of shorter tables.

I also decided to head over to Panera Bread. Terrible atmosphere, but the food is alright. They were many more customers there for lunch, as opposed to Starbucks, but that's to be expected.

The conclusion here is that a good coffee shop that wants to stay open into the evening must provide relevant food for the time of day, and a great atmosphere. So I'd suggest pastries for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and desserts for the evening. The lunch thing bothers me, because that's just not what a coffee shop should do, but that is the way of things.

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