This morning I went to Mark's talk, about his interests. They're all pretty interesting, but I'm just glad I figured out the alien slides on my own. After that I stayed on for Perl 6 Design Philosophy with Allison where I took copious notes. That philosophy will greatly determine the Perl 6 Documentation Design Philosophy.
I then had lunch with Matt and his wife, which was more than lovely. I really like these pair people.
After lunch I attended Sarathy's talk on Commercial Software with Perl, and Harkin's OO Mappers rundown. They were both good, the latter solidifying my current feelings on the OO mapper options available.
I retreated to the speakers lounge and am now waiting for James's talk on Fotango's large systems experience. I've done a lot of work on huge projects and want to know if I've been crazy all this time. James has more experience and a good insight, from the lead.
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