Pow Bang Bap

cwest on 2003-06-24T13:52:53

With every baby comes one freebe. You only have one chance to have something happen to the baby that should kill, cripple, or mame, but instead nothing horrible comes of it. Well, I used Evelina's freebe. On my watch she flung herself playfully down the stairs. The worst part was that I didn't know about it until I heard "Thump Thump Bam Smack Thump Thump Boom!" This was problematic, because a parent is always supposed to know where the child is, and it was my turn to watch her. When she hit the bottom, Chastity was already at the scene, and the baby was fine. A little red bump on the head is all she got. It's been a day, but there is no swelling or bruising anywhere.

I used the freebe, and now I'm much more careful.

Posted from caseywest.com, comment here.