ct on 2003-04-14T14:07:37

I was just speaking with Matts, it seems that I too have been the victim of the fake From: address spamming.

I have all usernames at cthompson.com pointing to my inbox, with about ten filtered out. Early last week I started getting bounces at about four a day. Between 5pm last night and 9am this morning, I got 37.

Matt, of course, knew exactly what was going on. "Oh," he said, "You've been Joe Jobbed." It bothers me the practice is common enough to have a name.

I was already fairly convinced in the lack of worth in the human race as a whole. Now I just have proof.

Joe Jobbed as well

merlyn on 2003-04-14T15:01:53

I also got Joe Jobbed this past weekend. I always make a note to write my upstream ISP to remind them that complaints about stonehenge.com "spammers" need to be verified before they turn me off. {grin}

Re:Joe Jobbed as well

NachoMan on 2004-06-10T15:05:03

Well, coming from the perspective of an ISP, its much easier to assume that your customers are stupid rather than think they'll even be able to blink properly if you ask them an intelligent question like "Have you been sending spam lately?" It makes your life so much easier to cope with. :-)