Ntp - Something so complex should not be so stupid..

crypix on 2005-03-01T23:02:17

I am at the point, that no matter how hard I work, how many extra hours I put in, that I will never get caught up. It is like, I am running with my feet stuck in cement. Everytime, I get done with one project, I seem to inherit somebody elses project who "just can't find the time" to get to it. God help me!! I love being a sysadmin, but at times passing out buggys at Walmart looks pretty good.

For some reason one of our obscure LAN sites did not have any type of time service enabled. So I was passed of the job of bringing them up to time (no pun intended). It had been awhile since I worked with ntp, so I had to do some reasearch and suddenly remembered how much joy there is in reading the official ntp documentation. I compare it, to reading the WiFi RFC's backwards in the dark. Anyway, it was a very simple procedure and every thing worked out fine. If you ever have to setup an ntpd server for the first time, don't worry about reading the official documentation or you might be pushing buggys at Walmart. So here are some 'Just In Case' links that will make your life much easier. Enjoy!!


Next Project: Nessus deployment...thats more like it:}

Just for reference..