Let's see if I get it right this time...

cosimo on 2008-03-03T22:46:35

Yes, I published an updated version of Win32::API, tagged v0.54 which should solve the OS check and META.yml problems, preserving the "os unsupported" CPAN testers check.

Let's see if I got it right this time, without screwing up again... :-)

Damn you!

Alias on 2008-03-04T06:00:30

Now I need to build another Vanilla :)

Re:Damn you!

cosimo on 2008-03-04T08:06:36

Can I help you in some way?
I'd be curious to find out how (and if I manage to) build a vanilla/strawberry from scratch.

Re:Damn you!

Alias on 2008-03-04T08:28:32

The basic sequence goes...

1. Install Inno Setup 5

2. Install Strawberry Perl

3. svn checkout http://svn.ali.as/trunk/Perl-Dist

4. cd Perl-Dist

5. cpan .

6. perldist Vanilla

The svn version of Vanilla is extremely dynamic, it changes potentially daily since I use it kind of like a scratch pad for new ideas, successful completion is unpredictable at times.

Currently, Vanilla tries to install relocatable configuration modules (and fails, which is what I'm working on atm), expat, XML::Parser, libwin32, and Win32::API.

The whole process, from "perldist" to a complete .exe installer, takes maybe an hour.