By Friday, my cold was pretty much over. Martin Kamerbeek gave an awesome presentation about ACME assets and macros for WebGUI:
My talk went very well. It was titled Getting Your Ideas Into WebGUI, and covered the mechanics of working with the community (paid options, volunteer options, free coding options) as well as how to make each one work well (writing good specs, working with developers, handling difficult people, etc.) My wife Kathy made my slides, and I was only about 60% nervous during the talk.
It was good to see everyone again. Face time is so important when most of the team interaction is over email/IRC/forums. Plus, it's hard to buy someone a beer that way. Which reminds me, at the Ruby Marie hotel in Madison, Wisconsin, they had several biers starting with the word, "Hacker". I'll have to try to hunt one down here in PDX, or wait 'til next year.